The lunatics are in my hall...

Remember America's Job Bank?
Something run by public entities?

America's Job Bank

I have not used the site since 2006..

Fast forward....

It's no longer run by public entities
In fact, AJB.ORG as we knew it shut down operations in
2007 due to cuts in the US Department of Labor of the
Bush era, the services were outsourced to something that
looked like a company in the US... Until I had
to troubleshoot at work today...


I called and got someone with an Indian accent.

Okay, I get this, I too was outsourced in 2004 from BOFA
to EDS...

Now here comes the part that should anger every tax paying

America's Job Exchange is a wholly-owned subsidiary of NaviSite,
headquartered in Andover, Massachusetts.

I love the stock photo for ALL of their data-centers

So I back track some more..
A coupla whois etc... and I hit gold...

OrgAbuseName: NaviSite Abuse Team
OrgAbusePhone: 1-978-682-8300
1-978-682-3800 NaviSite Inc.
+1 508 552 3300, Fax: +1 508 552 3500

NaviSite India Private Limited.
Vipul Orchid Plaza
Golf Course Road,
Sector 54, Suncity,
Gurgaon 122 002
Haryana, India
Tel: +91 124 3077700
Customer Care Inquiries
Tel: 1-888-264-4662
Media Inquiries
Tel: 1-978-946-8660

Okay, I wonder if the US Department of Labor
or The New York State Department of Labor
knows that it's completely outsourced American jobs
to an Indian Corporation to search American Jobs
offered electronically via the On line Job search method?


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