Don't know how it feels; to be thick as a brick

My gods, it's been a full year since the last posting and
I have no idea why I still keep this active.
Let's just say that I need to toss out some at length writing
to remind me that I still occasionally write.

This year's tree... 2011

Earlier this evening, found an almost dead
cat on the road. Of course I had to stop
take her off the street.

Another victim of the road...
she rests near my outdoor altar.

That's not how the day should have gone.
but it's almost a wistful wheeze ending of the year,
less than a whimper, a petering-out.

It's been a roller coaster, a year long slog through
the dark side of my soul.

Now, at the ending, I rejoice that

Morgan LeChat
The Empress of the Known Universe,

Queen of the depths beyond ,

and Protector of the Outer-Realm

Herself when she was feasting on lizards
at her winter home in Florida (98-2000)

Is now up to her all time high weight
since she got sick over the summer.

Weighed 6 LBS 3 Oz 8/27/2011
Weighed 8 LBS 13 OZ 12/25/2011

I have successfully knit a toddler sweater
for my Grand-Niece

and another year has gone by....

I still am in love with my wife, Harriet
and I still have the same job I started the year with.

I still drive the same car..

That's life in the north country.. slow


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